
kor kor

큐리진 큐리진

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Our philosophy Our philosophy Our philosophy

Curigin is a company focused on the development of new drugs with a sincere passion for research and development. After developing an adenoviral vector capable of delivering bispecific RNAi in 2018, more than 5 types of vectors and 15 pipelines have been developed based on our original new drug development platform technology and three independent gene discovery libraries. Further, globally competitive technologies such as a new virus platform, two viruses that can be administered intravenously, and development of an RNAi-based library have been added to our arsenal of therapeutic tools. Despite the difficulties associated with new drug development, we believe that developing innovative therapeutics is our mission and we are steadily working towards that goal. We will continue to race on the path of new drug development through ceaseless research and positive outcomes.

Working Values Working Values Working Values

Core Values Curigin cultivates a culture centered on open communication between all members. While new drug development is made possible through support from external partners, our sound philosophy and working values ensure that our focus is on achieving our common goals. We sought to create a culture where teamwork and success go hand in hand. Our team believes that true happiness and fulfillment come from warm relationships that we share both internally and externally. We built a corporate culture that supports rather than fostering competition and a work environment that encourages rather than reprimands. We make friends for life in Curigin.

Working Values Working Values Working Values

Research & Development Curigin's primary focus is the welfare of mankind and the development of science. Through our passion and knowledge, we aim to give hope to patients with severe, life-threatening diseases and terminal diseases that lack effective therapeutic options. We will humbly face the serious task and do our best to overcome the limitations of existing treatments through our dedication. Through this drive, we discovered new targets (7 new first-in-class targets and 10 new patents), and introduced novel scientific platforms. Our science is at the forefront of the advancement of human knowledge and our hearts are guided by those suffering from severe disease.