
kor kor

큐리진 큐리진

kor kor
The “CURItive™ Platform”
is Curigin’s creative technology
for identifying new treatment targets
Bioinformatics™ Platform

With the help of our Bioinformatics™ platform, we can search for new promoter candidates to increase the selectivity of oncolytic viruses in certain diseases.

In addition, by using the BioinformaticsTM platform, we were able to develop our own scoring system using multiple parameters including alignment sequences in target genes. this also allows us to reduce the probability of off-target effects.

(a) Curigin’s database

  • Over 30,000 patients + public database
  • Collaborating with top hospitals in Korea

(b) Bioinformatics algorithm indicates the genes that are over specifically overexpressed in a specific disease

(c) Our database can detect promoters that are crucial for certain diseases

(d) Align 2 genes for small hairpin RNAs

(e) During gene cleavage: NO passenger genes, NO off-targets effects and side effects